Ethical Hacking: Introduction

In this blog, we will cover some definitions inside ethical hacking, what role does an ethical hacker takes and what can and cannot be done as an ethical hacker.

Let’s start off with what is ethical hacker. Ethical hacker is basically someone who was hired by company to LEGALLY perform penetration testing. Penetration testing means a legal attempt to break into the company’s network and find their weakest link and to report the findings. Sometimes company ask also to do security testing. Which is penetration testing, but they will also ask for solutions to protect or secure the network.

There are many type of “hackers” out there. First, the hacker. Hacker is someone who break into a network or computer system. One who did without permission can go to jail. Next, the cracker. Cracker is the one who breaks into system and steals or destroys data.

Usually, every hackers have some tools call “The Tiger Box”. This is a collection of tools and OS that help hacker to do penetration testing and security testing to search for vulnerabilities on a system.

There are 3 type of Penetration Testing Methodologies. The White box, Black box and Grey box.

  1. White Box Methodologies

This method is where the tester is told everything about the network typologies and  technology. And they also allowed to interview the workers of the company which makes the job more easier. This is usually did to find the vulnerabilities inside the company

2. Black Box Methodologies

This method is where the tester is not told anything about the target. Usually, only the IP Address of the target. In this case, the target’s workers also doesn’t know about the testing. This methodologies is did to see if the target’s workers ready or not if an attack happens to their system.

3. Grey Box Mathodologies

This is a mixing of white and grey methodologies. Where testers are given partial information about the company.

Before doing any penetration testing. Both the tester and the client must define the scope of the test. How long it will be, What will be tested, From where and by whom it will be tested. All should be clear before doing any testing. And then the testing starts.

There are some common techniques when doing penetration testing

  1. Passive Researching -> gathering information about the network system of a company
  2. Open source monitoring -> to ensure confidentiality and integrity
  3. Network mapping and OS fingerprinting
  4. Spoofing
  5. Network sniffing
  6. Trojan attacks with malicious codes
  7. Brute-force attack, usually done by password cracking
  8. Vulnerability scanning
  9. Scenario analysis, creating scenarios about what and how the system could be broke.
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