Ethical Hacking : Learning Linux Command

Since we do most of our hacking process on kali linux. We should learn about how to use linux itself. Although nowadays, linux had a better user experience than before, we should also learn how to use it from the terminal. The terminal is a type of CLI (Command-Line Interface) that help user to use the computer just by using some command line. The goal here is to learn some basic linux command to help you use the linux system.

We start with the 3 simplest and probably the most used commands on linux. They are pwd, ls, and cd. pwd is used to look in which directory are you in. It will give you a string about where are you on the system. ls is used to look what files and folder that is inside on the directory. cd is used to move from the directory. cd /foldername is used to go inside the folder. While cd .. is used to get out from the folder.

Another one is mkdir and rmdir. mkdir is used to create a folder/directory while rmdir is to remove/delete a folder/directory

To remove a file, we can use rm filename to delete the filename. If we want to delete a folder, we use rm -r foldername.

Another command that available on linux CLI is cpcp is used to copy a file into another directory. the syntax will be cp filename another/folder/to/be

mv is used to move any file to another directories. the syntax will be mv file another/folder

nano is used to kinda like using a text editor. the way to used is nano textfile

cat is used just to see what is inside the file.

hostname  is used to find out the name of the computer. ping is used to ping another IP Address.

So, in this blog, we learn some basic linux command to operate it using CLI. Those are cd, ls, pwd, mkdir, rmdir, mv, cp, rm, nano, cat, hostname, and ping.

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